Video: Interview With White House Photographer Pete Souza


Chief Official White House Photographer Pete Souza recently took time out from snapping candid shots of President Obama to answer questions from budding photographers. 

Since the launch of The White House Flickr photostream -- mostly taken by Souza -- images have been viewed over 41 million times and average around 50,000 hits per day.

That's because Souza has unprecedented access to Obama whether he is phoning the opposition after a disastrous election night (above) or playing with his dog, Bo, in the White House gardens (below).


During the 45 minute video interview, with questions posed by members of the public online, he covered topics such as how many images of the President he shoots on a typical day, to how he remembers photography basics in stressful situations.

Souza also discussed his approach to blending into the background during meetings while still being in the right place at the right time to get an all important shot and what one lens he would use if he could only use one for the rest of his life (spolier: he wouldn't)

Check out the video below, and if you haven't already seen the Flickr photostream it's here.